Just because I haven't blogged much about this pregnancy doesn't mean it isn't just as exciting to us as it was when I was pregnant with Mason! Finding time to sit at the computer for an extended stretch has been difficult to come by lately, but it's about time I share some of our love for this baby!
Overall I am feeling great. If I've had a particularly active day, I'll get RLS in the evenings which can get pretty uncomfortable, but laying down usually helps. In certain positions I'll get a shooting pain in my tailbone area that prevents me from moving for a few seconds. This is not fun at all but is really my only complaint!
I continue to have my thyroid and blood antibody monitored monthly and they are posing no risk to the pregnancy. My glucose screen was last week and my levels looked great, which means I do not have gestational diabetes (it's a standard test done in all pregnancies). I am now going for OB check-ups every two weeks.
My final sonogram was performed last Friday, when I was 29 weeks. Sean's parents were in town and were able to attend, as well as my parents, my Aunt Patsy, and of course, Sean. People rotated in and out of the lobby to watch Mason. The baby has progressed perfectly and on Friday was estimated to weigh 2 lbs, 12 oz. According to my Baby Center updates, he's about the size of a butternut squash! The perinatologist surprised us at the end of our visit and turned the 3D image on and caught a beautiful picture of our little boys face. He looks just like Mason to me!
His nursery is slowly but surely coming along. Thankfully we can use all of Mason's furniture, but are switching out the bedding, paint, accessories, and other things to make it special for our new love. I will post pictures when it's complete. At the rate we're moving though, that might be the day before I deliver!
Here's a little pregnancy survey I found online that I thought I'd fill out:
How far along: 29.5 weeks
Total Weight Gain: About 12 pounds
Sleep: It takes me a few minutes to get in position for the night, but once I do I'm great! I get up about once a night to use the restroom.
Best Moment This Week: Several times the baby has made huge movements while Mason was in my lap. Mason's eyes will get big, he'll gasp and then ask "what's that, Mommy?"
Movement: All the time! Others can see and feel him moving as well. I absolutely love the sensation and thinking about what he's doing in there.
Gender: Still a boy. Confirmed that fact last Friday!
Labor Signs: None, thank goodness! This baby can cook as long as he wants to!
Belly Button: Still in.
What I Miss: Stereotypically, alcohol. A nice summer-y drink would be so great on the patio. I've snuck several sips of wine and beer though. :)
What I am Looking Forward to: Finalizing a name! We have several that we like and we won't keep it a secret once we decide.
Milestones: I'm officially in the third trimester! His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain.
Here is a picture of me at 28.5 weeks before Sean and I went to dinner for Sean's birthday. And then there's a picture of a picture of our last sonogram. Such a cutie if I do say so myself!
You look STUNNING!!! Glowing! So happy for you guys that all is going well. Almost makes me want to do it again...almost :) 10 more weeks till that cocktail! ;)