Thursday, June 7, 2012

18 Months

Our little man has hit the 1 1/2 year mark! He is as active and curious as ever, and definitely keeps his parents on their toes. :) He has a word for everything now, but can still be difficult to understand. He is tracking along perfectly for an 18 month old, and in most cases is doing a step above what's expected of him at this point. The only thing we couldn't check the box on was putting two or more words together. This doesn't mean 'bye-bye' or 'uh-oh' (which he says both of adorably), but more along the lines of 'where's mommy?' and 'go outside'. We aren't at all concerned and know he will pick that up soon. He is always able to get his point across somehow!

One of Mason's favorite things right now is books. If he's not outside or playing with his toys, he has a book in his hand. He loves to flip the pages and point out the things he recognizes on each page. When he wakes from his naps he asks for his books in the crib with him and flips through them for up to 30 minutes. His favorites are The Little Train (a Christmas gift from Grandma), and Goodnight Moon. The binds are close to falling off of these two books and I can recite the words from memory!

Mason had quite the growth spurt in the last three months, gaining three pounds and growing 3 inches. He went from the 50th percentile in height to the 90th percentile! Sean and I are pretty average in height, and I border on a little taller than average. I was always the tallest in my class in elementary school, so it looks like he might shoot up like me and then sort of even out with his peers.

Each day is a new adventure with Mason, and we are loving every minute. He is absorbing so much and learns something new each day. He has a funny personality and loves to make people laugh. He loves his dog, Hazel, and likes to bring her toys and treats, ask her for kisses, and take her on walks. He has many favorite activities throughout the day, but his absolute favorite is when Daddy comes home. If Sean is working late Mason still goes to the door calling his name at around the same time each day. It is so sweet. We have to get out of the house every morning, or we will both go stir crazy. He definitely likes to be on the go and around other people. Many of our afternoons are spent around the house (inside and out), or on walks that usually end in playing with his neighborhood friends at someone's house.

I always say that the stage he's in is my favorite, but I'll say it again. He is the sweetest little boy and we count our blessings each day. He takes a walk with Sean and Hazel each morning, and upon his return, runs the length of the house squealing my name and then collapses in my arms with a huge hug once he finds me. Melts my heart. (my name is still sometimes 'mama', but he has also started saying 'ma-meeee' - so cute!) He seems to be able to read a room, and if someone is upset about something, he gets genuinely concerned and often tries to console them. Then he'll run off to find a car or ball and continue on his joyful ride through life.

Mason, we love you so much and look forward to every moment your future holds.

Weight - 28.3 lbs (75%)
Length - 34" (90%)
Head - 19 1/4" (75%)
He is a tough cookie and didn't make a peep when he got his shots. He was more upset that he had to stop playing to go lay down for 30 seconds than he was about getting pricked! :)

I haven't taken any pictures specifically for his 18 month birthday, but here are some from the past week!

Say cheese!

Splashing in his crab pool

Exploring First Tuesday's at the Dallas Museum of Art - a free day at the museum with activities centered around children

Working on the oval puzzle

Making oversized bubbles with his buddy Jeff (and the million other kids at the DMA that day)

Waiting for the doc at his check-up

Reading books at B&N

Rainy day activity - sometimes the banana and markers got mixed up :)

Reading books to his stuffed friends...

Laughing at himself and clapping his hands

At the Walnut Hill Rec Center where he could 'juh-juh' his little heart out!

1 comment:

  1. He is sooooo adorable!!! And don't worry about the 2 word phrase thing at all. I was so concerned at 18 months and then at our 2 year check up b/c R&Q didn't seem to have as many 2 word phrases as other kids I knew (or read about). But the doctor said as long as their language keeps progressing, they are learning new words each day and begin to try to string more words together, they are fine. One day it will all just come together. So same with Mason for sure!!! Kids just do things at different stages than others. I think that's where blogs can be dangerous : ) I read about a 2 year old I knew who apparently could count unprompted 0-10. I almost was in hysterics by the time Matt got home and I told him, thinking I was a total mommy failure! But I'm pretty sure the more I read about that, it's pretty uncommon for a 2 year old to do that so then I felt better : ) Anyway, enough of my mommy insecurities!! Happy 18 month birthday, Mason!!! (Two is a pretty awesome stage too so you'll use your phrase again)
